Swiss Youth IGF
Um die IGF–Jugendstrategie weiterzuentwickeln und die Digital natives nachhaltig in die IGF–Prozesse einzubinden, unterstützt das Swiss IGF das sich erstmals formierende Swiss Youth IGF als eine Aktivität zum Kapazitätsaufbau, das während des ganzjährigen IGF–Prozesses parallel zum Swiss IGF durchgeführt wird.
Afin de développer la stratégie de la jeunesse du IGF et d’intégrer durablement les Digital natives dans les processus du IGF, le Swiss IGF soutient le Swiss Youth IGF, qui se forme pour la première fois, en tant qu’activité de renforcement des capacités, menée parallèlement au Swiss IGF pendant le processus du IGF couvrant toute l’année.
In order to further develop the IGF Youth Strategy and sustainably engage Digital natives in the IGF processes, the Swiss IGF supports the Swiss Youth IGF, which is forming for the first time, as a capacity–building activity conducted in parallel to the Swiss IGF during the year–round IGF process.
In efforts to fulfil the IGF’s mandate and building on the recommendations of the IGF’s Retreat in 2016, the IGF Secretariat conducts systematic efforts on engaging youth in Internet governance, including in the IGF, its intersessional work and the annual meeting.
In order to achieve the long-term sustainable mechanisms for this capacity development effort and impact the youth worldwide, the IGF Secretariat will cooperate with the initiatives that also work, in their respective areas, on equipping youth with skills and knowledge on Internet governance.
For an efficient integration of youth into the IGF annual meetings, cooperative mechanisms are established with the past and future IGF’s host Governments, with an aim to bridge processes and outcomes on the matter, develop a continuous engagement strategy and foster culture of active youth participation.